Chemical formula: (НОСН2)2-о-С2В10Н10 Appearance: crystalline substance from white to purple color. Physical and chemical properties: melting point 300°C. 1,2-Di (oxymethyl) - o-carborane is resistant to moisture and air, soluble in most organic solvents. Field of application: used as a monomer in the production of high-temperature polymers and adhesives.
1,7-Di (oxymethyl) - m-carborane

Chemical formula: (NOSN2)2-m-C2V10N10 Appearance: crystalline substance from white to light purple. Physical and chemical properties: melting point 193°C. 1,7-Di (oxymethyl) - m-carborane is resistant to moisture and air, soluble in most organic solvents. Resistant to moisture and air. Field of application: used as a monomer in the production of high-temperature polymers and adhesives. 


Polycondensation product of 1,2-di (oxymethyl) - o-carborane with adipic acid. The molecular weight is 2000-2500. Appearance: solid waxy substance from yellow to brown. Physical and chemical properties: the softening Temperature is not higher than 85°C. does not dissolve in water. Carboranpoliefiradipinate is resistant to moisture and air, soluble in acetone, toluene. Field of application: used in the production of high-temperature adhesives with good adhesion to metals and non-metals, corrosion resistance and weather resistance. 


Polycondensation product of 1,2-di (oxymethyl) - o-carborane with adipic acid and glycerol. Molecular weight is 688. Appearance: viscous resin-like substance from yellow to brown Physical and chemical properties: the softening temperature is not higher than 10°C. Carboranoligoglycerinsebacinate is resistant to moisture and air. Field of application: used in high-temperature adhesives with good adhesion, chemical resistance, weather resistance.

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